Cower in fear or writhe in ecstasy, dear readers. For the year of the wolf is upon us. I can't say what your instinct tells you to do, but I think once you get a load of the furry men of 2009, you'll lean towards writhing in ecstasy.
There are 4 flicks opening this year featuring extra hairy men all of which are fodder of female fantasies.

Once of the dreamiest is Lucian, the lovelorn
lycan of Underworld: Rise of the
Lycans. Underworld: Rise kicked off our shaggy stud year on the 23rd of this month. It's currently playing and I'd urge you wolf lovers out there to see it. I saw it opening day and I wasn't disappointed. Set aside the fact that
Michael Sheen (Lucian) was mouthwatering, the movie itself was great.
Plot, premise, effects, star power (
Bill Nighy as
Viktor - lead vamp and
Rhonda Mitra as Sonja - Lucian's love) were all magnificent. Followers of the Underworld franchise might just call this one the best of the bunch. If the first two Underworld's
Selene was a lure for the
fanboys then the third Underworld's Lucian is certainly a major lure for the
fangirls. Move over Jacob Black! (Note to dear Taylor
Lautner: See picture left: Michael
Sheen as Lucian. Notice chest hair, beard
, expressive lines around eyes and manly stance? These are characteristics of an
adult human male. Take note and see me in 15 years).

Next up we have
The Wolf Man starring
Benicio Del Toro .
I'm looking forward to this film. The more werewolf movies, the better. I'm not so excited by the makeup for Del
Toro's wolf man. I would rather the visionaries had strayed a little farther away from the original 1941
Wolf Man's hokey appearance. He reminds me of a button nosed puppy.
I think it would have served the movie's mission better to modernize the wolf man's look. That button nosed, furry human face reminds me more of
Fajardo Aceves Jesus Manuel, wolf boy of Mexico than it does a mindless, howling savage animal. My Mom's dog Oscar is scarier than the Wolf Man!
If I were confronted by this wolf man, I'd probably giggle hysterically even as he nibbled me to death with his tiny humanoid mouth.
Of course this joshing is all in good fun. I will be right there on The Wolf Man's opening day, ready to be entertained.

Our next guy is not a werewolf
perse, but he gains honorary membership into the furry britches club. This year we are treated to a Wolverine extravaganza sans the rest of the X-Men crew in
X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I for one will go see it just because of the
hotties joining the cast: Ryan Reynolds will star as Wade Wilson '
Deadpool' and
Liev Schreiber checks in as Victor Creed '
Sabretooth'. I saw all the other X-Men movies and they were pretty good. I don't have tons of enthusiasm but I feel it's my duty to go see it just to fully experience the year of the wolf!

Lastly, the culmination of all things wolf of 2009.
New Moon is scheduled to open November 21st, exactly one year after the opening of Twilight.
Fangirls everywhere are chomping at the bit to devour the next installment in the Twilight saga. Taylor
Lautner reprises the role of Jacob Black, this time commanding major screen time as he 'grows' into the role of the studly fur baby. While I'm not happy that the role wasn't relinquished to a bigger, older man who could have realistically portrayed Jacob as the domineering 6'5" (+), 25 - 27 year old (looking) beefcake he became in New Moon, I will concede that
Lautner has put forth the effort to fill the shoes. Last I checked, he had put on 29 pounds of pure muscle and was still working on it. I truly believe that if he could bare down real hard and force himself to grow 12 inches, he would do it. Slow down kid, you're going to rupture something.
So an 'A' for effort to Taylor Lautner. I don't dislike him, I just didn't want him in this role. But I'm sure I'll be pleasantly surprised.
There you have it, 4 deliciously devious, handsomely hairy stud puppies to sink your teeth into in 2009. Arooo! Hail the year of the wolf! Now out you go, get out there and start the year right by enjoying the 1st wolfy treat, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans on the silver screen, and mark your calendars for the rest of these nocturnal nibblers.
yeah! i believe that together with the vampires werewolves would also shine...
for more vampire(twlight) info, please visit my site:
The Twlight Saga
Great site! I'll bookmark it :)
You know, I love that werewolves are getting their due. They have been subtley moving among us (in the movies) with little acclaim. Now, hopefully their time has come! One thing's for sure, the more popular they are at the box office, the more we'll get to see of them!
If you like werewolves, check these flicks out:
Blood and Chocolate
Ginger Snaps
Dog Soldiers
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