Graphic novels are wildly entertaining and gaining popularity like a snowball downhill. No longer are graphic novels the exclusive domain of geeky comic book lovers. Graphic novels are like really thick comic books that entail an entire story instead of serialized chapters published weekly or monthly. Twilighters have been asking for years that Twilight be made into a graphic novel and finally those prayers are answered. Not only will it be penned by renowned artist Young Kin but it will be closely edited by Stephenie Meyer herself.
The article said that this graphic novel is "essentially Meyer's brain on paper." She is reviewing every page and every panel to make sure that the novel remains true to her vision. How cool is that?
I'd read it just for sheer voyeuristic curiosity. To actually see what Stephenie saw when writing would be grand. I'm curious how my imagination upon reading her words differ from what she saw when writing them. No publication date has been announced yet.
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