Saturday, September 12, 2009

Howdy Fellow Twilighters!

Hi all! It's me! And not the narrative me that you've grown accustomed to over that past couple of months, ;)

I hope you are enjoying my story of Kate and David. The end of this lovely duo's journey is nearing! I had to break formation though and speak to you as a fellow Twi-Hard. If you've visited His Amber Eyes recently, you'll notice the countdown to the New Moon premiere in the right hand nav. Only 69 days left to go!!!

As the premiere nears, my story will wrap up and you'll see more posts regarding New Moon details and specifics - cast interviews, on set photos, video clips, trailers! Got to get the masses amped!!!! I feel it already, don't you?? What a wonderfully enticing year this has been so far, counting down to the end of our wait. I can tell you that I think New Moon is going to be ridiculously great!! We'll have to go see it twice as many times as we saw Twilight (right, Peggy? ;))

I know that I'll be torn between who I love best - Edward or Jacob. Just like when reading the book. You can tell from the newest video clips that the heat between Bella and Jacob.. AND Bella and Edward is going to be white hot!

So on to the real reason for this post: VIDEO FOOTAGE FROM NEW MOON! Yay!!!!

I, of course, have viewed it already and all I can tell you is I CAN NOT WAIT . . . !

Enjoy, friends :)

The Twilight Saga: New Moon 'Meet Jacob Black' Preview in HD

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