Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sorry about the Infrequent Posts

Hi Twilight lovers. I wanted to say 'sorry' for not posting frequently about our favorite town and most beloved characters. I promise to try to keep the posts coming more regularly, but also to ask that if I don't, you will bear with me. I am attempting to write a graphic novel and to do this properly, I'm going to have to put the time into it.
I want to see this through. I have a desire to do this thing. The visions and story are firmly in my mind. All I have to do is work, work, work.
Please wish me well on my literary journey. Believe me when I say, last week I knew pretty much nothing about graphic novels. This week, well let's just say I'm gettin' there.
If you are interested, in the future I may post about my trials and triumphs during my exercise into the realm of professional writing. I will post to my other blog: This is a Blog, if you'd like to stop by and see how it's going. Please drop me a line any time!

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