Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Official Eclipse Poster

Direct from The World of Twilight - Official Site. I'm so excited. This poster is the harbinger of delicious love-triangle-y things to come. I know I'll just about faint during the mountain tent scene and then for the big, wet, you-know-what between Jacob and Bella that comes after it! Seriously folks, I hope that director David Slade really draws out that scene. I mean, it can last an hour all by its self. That would be totally okay to me. Because I'm going to be in - straight up, no holds barred - ecstasy! I just hope I'll be able to control myself enough to keep from melting out of the theater seat and writhing around on the floor!

I can't wait to see how Slade handles the banter that goes on between Edward and Jacob in the tent. The audience will most certainly have to have access to Jacob's thoughts to make it enjoyable and understandable. Otherwise it'll just seem like Edward is grumpily talking to himself.

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!

1 comment:

Lord Mark said...

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