...the Jacob and Bella kiss in the mountains. (author waits as the incredulous murmur dies down). That's right, scoff if you like. But to me that kiss alone blows away any other kiss in the whole saga. It's more powerful than all the best Edward and Bella kisses put together. And believe me, I'm a big fan of the Edward and Bella kisses.
The tension builds throughout Eclipse, but we readers are unwitting to the need for some release, only to become aware of it when the moment is thrust upon us. The extent to which Jacobs presence becomes undeniable to Bella both physically and on a more visceral level is palpable. I think that kiss was the defining moment for me. That one scene sealed my fervent crush for the over-grown wolf boy. I really liked him before that but became hopelessly gaga after. That's the moment that solidified Jacob Black as perfect day dream fodder.
Talk about being tested! I wish I had Bella's problems.
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