First off, I'm going to tell you what was awesome about it, starting with the very best thing.
1. Edi Gathegi as Laurent was the only 100% believable thing about the clip. His accent, eyes, mannerisms and ACTING were spot on. He was truly menacing, but graceful about it. Too bad we all know he won't be in New Moon for long.
2. Edward's face. Edward's face was beautiful, as always. Although he looked a little constipated. I understand that he's conflicted and all that, but anguish looks different than mopey melancholy.
3. Taylor Lautner's bare chest. Honestly, you know you've been waiting for it. And it's definitely worth the wait. I think Jacob running around half naked is one of the movie's most guarded secrets. It's been really hard to find set photos of Taylor Lautner, let alone any of him showing skin.
Other than those three things, I'm not too impressed with the trailer. (Don't pummel me with rotten fruit! 'Truth Zone' people!) It seemed kind of silly. Maybe it's the trailer editor's fault that the trailer was less than stellar. Everyone in the clip seemed too serious. This is a teen romance, people. It looks so painful being in love with the most beautiful man in the world!
I know that Bella and Edward are frequently tormented, but I just never got the idea that all the dialog would be spoken in such a dramatically hopeless way. When Bella asked Edward to kiss her for her birthday, I imagined she'd ask with cautious abandon, all breathless and fearful. In general, every one's lines were maudlin, even thought it would have been way more appropriate if they would've been delivered with intensity. Like when Bella said she had a paper cut. True, paper cuts suck, but they don't make you all serious-faced and introspective. After all, it is just a paper cut.
And lastly, let me address the Jacob/werewolf morph scene. It started out good. I LOVED when Jacob took off running and morphed mid-jump. Super cool. But, the sound that happened at the point of change was sort of comical and THEN the site of that big 'enchanted forest' looking puppy was enough to elicit a giggle from this Twilighter. He sure wasn't scary! He should've been scary because he was scary in the book until Bella got to know him.
Maybe the lackluster trailer isn't an accurate example of how the whole movie will be. And even if it is, we as dutiful fans will just have to use our imaginations.
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