That was then, as they say. Now Rob has slipped nicely into the role of the object of my infatuation. Not his fault really, I just love me some Edward. That's not to say that just anyone could fill Edwards shoes. Quite the opposite in fact. I think Rob is the perfect choice. Which is startling when I think about it. Out of all the Twilight reader's imaginations, which undoubtedly run rampant with a million different versions of what Edward looks like, the casting director picked a guy who could've been plucked right out of my fevered mind.
For me, Rob totally embodies what I imagined of Edward. He's got that moody, obstinate thing going on. He looks brooding, and he has a very cute crooked smile. I can easily imagine Rob's Edward dazzling Kristen Stewart's Bella. Frequently.
He also is either a private person or he just hasn't been well known enough (before Twilight) to have his personal life splattered all over the tabloids. Either way, this adds an air of mystery about him. He's a clean slate. I don't have any preconceived notions of what he's like. That makes it a lot easier to attach Edwards attributes to him.
And you can dissect why Rob is a excellent choice for Edward logically by referring to Stephenie Meyer's own physical description of him in Eclipse. There is a passage that describes Edward as having a long straight nose, full lips and a very square jaw line. When I read Eclipse the second time, that description really struck me. It was like she was looking at Rob when she wrote it. I read that Stephenie herself said that Rob was the perfect choice.
Some fans baulked at the fact that Robert doesn't have a six pack or any other rippling muscles. Shame on you guys, I say. Yes, I know the books mention his yummy form and I'm all for continuity, but come on! I don't think it matters one fig about the six pack. For one reason, Edward's shirt is going to be on (unfortunately) for most of the flick. Secondly, RPattz is just plain sexy. I truly believe when you are looking at his face, you aren't going to be thinking about his lack of bulging biceps. Thirdly, his body fits the idea of a runner's body which is how I sort of picture Edward, since he's the fastest Cullen. His long, lean frame to me has an understated raw appeal that I just wouldn't feel if he was some fine tuned beefcake. Lastly, Edward as a vampire would look pretty much (physically) like he did when he was human. And his last human days were spent dying from a somewhat prolonged illness that may have made him emaciated.
Raw Materials: Shaping Robert Into an Agreeable Edward
Robert Pattinson may not have come into the Twilight gig looking the part of Edward:

But in preparation for his role as Edward, he was groomed to become the vampire that every girl wants to cuddle. How do they take a normal handsome guy and make him into Edward Cullen? Well, I have my theory. First of all, Robert is a very hairy little monkey. If you view a close up of this picture (please click and view the original size to truly appreciate it):
you will see he's working a pretty serious unibrow. But (and Rob, if you're reading this, please note the following) it's not anything to feel bad about. Because along with that thin line of forehead hair he also has some impossibly long eyelashes (sigh), totally manly sideburns (sigh, sigh) and a thick crop of gorgeous hair that any girl would adore running her hands through. Point is, he looks awesome. All that extra hair makes for a perfect canvas to work with. Wax and pluck to reveal the Edward within! I don't mind hair like that on a man, I mean, after all, we are mammals. We have hair! Get used to it everyone! What I'm saying here is that with all that extra hair growing around/out of everything, the Twilight people have a lot to work with in Rob. They can sculpt and shape that boy into just about anything, including a very believable Edward Cullen. ~Sigh~.
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