Below: Tom Welling

There were other characters whose casting for the movie were pivotal. They are (in my opinion) Bella, Jacob, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme, Charlie and Renee. The casting is important for those characters because they had strong presences in the books. They were so prominent in the story that the reader really invests in a mental image of how they look. So it was imperative for those doing the casting of Twilight to really find actors that fit the bill. It was hit and miss for the actors chosen to play these characters. I won't go into the details of them all right now. Now, for the characters that I didn't mention above, the casting fit into one of the following:
1. actor fit the character
2. actor has grown on me and come to fit the character or
3. actor doesn't have a strong enough presence in the movie so I don't care
I have some minor beefs about some of the important character's casting. But my major complaint is with the casting of Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black. Jacob is an important character. Whether you are Team Edward or Team Jacob, you have to concede that Jacob is a major player in the Twilight Saga.
I know that Jacob Black is only 15 in Twilight. But even so, he is already showing signs that he's going to be manly early. This Lautner kid is wrong for a lot of reasons. I don't think his looks match at all what Jacob should look like. I pictured Jacob with an open, sincere face. And this guy is all scrunchy looking. Also, Jacob is supposed to have a deep, manly timber to his voice, even at 15. I've watched Taylor Lautner interviews and when he talks he has a very effeminate voice, NOT right for Jacob at all. The elocution of his dialog is all wrong. Taylor sounds prissy. I imagined Jacob's elocution to be very rhythmic and paced, calming and slow. Jacob should sound laid back. I got the impression from the books that Jacob was a pretty introspective guy. Taylor reminds me of those 'Oh MY God, no way!' types of kids that hang out at the mall. Maybe a little too peppy for his own good. And, I don't want to get too nit picky here but while I'm at it, I might as well mention that I just don't like his smile. He has girl's lips. Okay, enough verbal beating up on Taylor, I'm sure he's a good egg.
No more hits below the belt for Taylor, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention his height (or lack there of). From pictures taken of the cast, you'll notice that Taylor is hardly taller than Bella. Again, I know Jacob is supposed to be young and hasn't had his 'growth spurt' yet. But in Twilight he was at least taller than Bella. One thing for sure, Taylor may be able to pull off the physical characteristics of Jacob in Twilight, but there's no way he'll be able to reprise the role for New Moon. That alone gives me hope that my dream Jacob guy will be casted. I really wanted Steven Strait to play Jacob. (More on that later.)
Below: Taylor Lautner cast as Jacob Black in Twilight

I don't have anyone in mind to play the young Jacob, mostly because I'm in my thirties and have no idea who the available teeny bopper actors are. They could have cast probably anyone else and that would've been a better choice for me. But I'll deal, just so long as Taylor isn't back for New Moon.
Lautner: Long hair not flattering

As for an older (at least physically) Jacob, I have ideas... Steven Strait is exactly how I pictured Jacob. He has beautiful eyes and an incredible (manly) smile that makes a girl weak in the knees. PLUS, he's a big guy. At 6'2" he could really do Jacob justice. Even though Jacob becomes taller than 6'2", it would be easier to work with an actor that height to make them appear taller than to try it with a guy of smaller stature. He's beautiful and he looks great with long hair. No offense but long hair on Taylor Lautner is not flattering.
MY Jacob: Steven Strait

Strait: That gorgeous smile

Another convincing argument for Steven

I had to get this blog posted before seeing the movie because I want to be able to come back and either:
1. confirm that I was absolutely right. Taylor Lautner was a wrong fit or
2. come back and say 'He didn't work out too bad at all...'
I want you all to know that I'll stay open minded when I see the movie. I don't think I'm going to like Taylor portraying my lovely Jacob. But he may be a master thespian and totally blow me away. That'd be okay.
So there you have my long winded rant about the casting of Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black and my future hopes for casting. May the best man win!
After Seeing Twilight
After seeing the movie, I had to come back here and update this particular post. I want to tell you readers that Taylor Lautner did okay as Jacob Black. Although I would never accuse him of being a master thespian. But I'll give him a break, he's young and we can't all be Dakota Fanning. That said, you should know that Taylor has a charm that can't be detected in still pictures. On screen he was cute and a little backwards, very alluring qualities. And I was way off on his smile, it's great; wide and inviting with the whitest teeth I've ever seen! I would imagine in 10 years he'll be a heart breaker.
Now, that I've settled the score on that, let it be known that I still want Steven Strait to play Jacob in the rest of the Twilight movies. Steven is in his mid to late twenties which will suit the role of Jacob Black from here on out because in New Moon it's mentioned that with Jacob's growth spurt and ...'life experiences' he has matured physically way beyond his years. He should look like an adult man.
I love Steven's open and happy face. He really looks like a ray of sunshine when he smiles and it makes you want to smile back. THAT's Jacob right there. He is so attractive and friendly looking! But he is manly too. I can totally imagine him crushing on Bella. Or being intimidating when Edward comes back around as well.
I totally agree with you on the Steven Strait thing. he would have made a perfect jacob and i am so dicusted that they did not get him to play jacob. I have the movie sky high and after I read New Moon i watched it and I was totally thinking they would get him to play jacob, but of course they picked taylor lautner. don't get me wrong though taylor does play jacob very well, but what is going to happen when he has to look like hes 22 years old, theres no way they can make him look that old hes to baby faced. I wish they would recast for New Moon and get a Steven Strait in there. But I dod have to say that Alice is my fav caracter in the books and Ashley Greene did an amazing job portraying Alice. She looked just how i pictured Alice when I was reading the books. Even down to the little button nose, and petit figure. Go Ashley!
I agree, Ashley Greene was great as Alice. She pretty much looked like how I imagined Alice, a few differences though. I love Alice!
You are right about Jacob in New Moon. My friend and I were discussing this last night. Jacob grows so fast in New Moon that he is a man with in 6 months or so. Not just tall, he physically becomes a man. So that alone would be reason enough to recast, if they do the movie right. No matter how good a job Taylor did, he's just not going to be able to pull off playing Jacob from now on. Unfortunately that doesn't gaurantee that Steven will get the part but we can hope! I was thinking about trying to find a way to contact Steven and ask him to try for the part, if they do recast. Maybe it'd be easier to put that idea in his head than it would be to persuade Summit Entertainment's casting director for New Moon to persue him.
If I hear anything, I'll post it!
Thanks for commenting :)
Taylor Lautner is perfect for Jacob so what if he doesnt suit Long hair !!
Hi Anonymous. While I don't agree that he's (my idea of)perfect I will concede that he's done a wonderful job and that I like him loads more than I originally did. I've stated later in my blog on a few occasions that I was wrong and that I do, indeed, like him as Jacob. I was harsh, it's true. And I apologize for having offended the 'Team Taylor' fans out there!
im sorry but i dont agree with you on the jacob thing.. i mean i knw ur old n u want someone around ur age to play the part but i feel Taylor Launter is a perfect fit for Jacob... Steven Strait would have also been a good pic for Jacob yes... but Taylor is a better choice... n i hope he stays through out the saga... his body is just rite i think he looks fine wit long hair his smile is amazing n lips are adorable... pretty much every one i knw thinks hes perfect for the part... n they actually love him more then Edward... Edward is actually the one how isnt rite really.. i mean i picuted Edward to be gorgeous along with his body but when i seen him in new moon... no! he did not work for me im sorry but eww after seeing Jacobs body then his it just didnt work out....
that it absured.... i extremly hope taylor is back throught-out all the twilight saga. steven strait is beautiful but taylor plays the roll so much better. if u watch mtv or something u will see there are million of tayor fans out there, i for one am a fan also. taylor launter is amazing as jacob black. i been reading the twilight saga since i was small over and over again & taylor is exactly how i pictured him. i love taylor launter and you have no right to critsice someone you know nothing about. .............. Pardon my gramer
Dear Anonymous from 3.12.10,
Thanks for posting on my blog. I enjoyed reading your comments. I criticized Taylor Lautner in that post because of freedom of speech and the wonderful notion that we can all express our opinions without being prosecuted for them. This is why your comments stand. I respect your right to air your opinions.
I just have one question: How do you guys keep finding my blog through that one post?!? If you would read a later post, you'd find that my position on Lautner reprising the role of Jacob has not only softened but done a 180.
If you are so inclined, you might enjoy these posts better:
All of these have a much more Taylor friendly theme and it's my sincere hope that they'll leave you with your feathers a little less ruffled.
Thanks again for posting.
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