Edward's on it so that's basically the most important thing.
Here's their list:
But for your viewing pleasure, I'm going to compile MY list of favorite vampires of all time. The one's who may my heart flutter and set my blood on fire!
Here goes:
1. Edward Cullen - Twilight
Edward Cullen, the fastest and definitely the most intriguing of all the Cullens. Dark and brooding, subtle and introspective, attentive and intellectual= 'sigh'... How can you not fall for a guy whose only goal of existence it to protect you. And nothing else matters more than being with you, even if that entails just watching you sleep. I think most romantic girls in their heart of hearts want that level of devotion, true devotion. And it's not crazy for us to want that because if ever an Edward Cullen really existed and put forth such effort, it would eagerly be reciprocated by any lucky girl. So, human guys; what's so frinkin' hard to figure out here?

3. Emmett Cullen - Twilight

3. Emmett Cullen - Twilight
Emmett Cullen, the beefy protector. All brawn, almost. He's happy go lucky and quick to fight. But he is also quick to love. A passionate character all around. No doubt about it, he'd be a fun date and always a treat to look at. He'd be a hit with the jock-lover types.
3. Jasper Cullen - Twilight
Ahh, Jasper. Jasper Cullen has that way about him that causes a slow burn within a girl. A southern gentleman with whom no bad guy would want to tangle. He seems the quiet strong type whose mother probably taught him to put a lady's needs before his own. Yes, Jasper is A-Okay with me. This guy is all kinds of mysterious. But I'll bet behind closed doors there's a depth of character so rich that any gal would blush to know. He seems like he is all about making a connection to his special someone. He wouldn't have to tell you he'll always protect you, he just would. Actions, not words. *SWOON*
4. Mick St. John - Moonlight
Mick would have placed numero uno on this list if the Cullen Boys hadn't nudged him out. But hey, placing right after the Cullen's isn't a bad spot. Okay, Mick is definitely a heart stopper for us *ahem* more seasoned vampire lovers. He's 30-ish and crazy handsome. He was the main character in the short lived CBS series 'Moonlight'. And from what I gathered, pretty much every person who watched the show LOVED it. But CBS had a hair up their arse (pardon my French) and canceled it after one season. Dumb move on CBS's part I think. It's like they had a personal vendetta against this show. Anyhow, I digress... My point is, Mick St. John had charisma, he was manly, gorgeous and interesting. A hot vamp who sleeps in the freezer. What's not to love?
5. Eric Northman - A Southern Vampire Series
Eric Northman is the hunky vampire bar owner in the Sookie Stackhouse series of books by Charlaine Harris. It was adapted for an HBO series called True Blood. Let me say that HBO has wholey ruined the book series by turning it into a lurid, campy debacle that resembles almost nothing of the books. But, before I knew that I was ticked at how poorly the show was cast. I'm not going to bore you with the details of how bad HBO screwed up the casting, but just wanted to warn you that they did so you'd understand why I'm going to post a picture of the guy they actually cast as Eric and the guy I would have liked seen cast.
Alright, Eric is a huge blond viking vampire centuries old. He's very manly, stands 6'4" and is subconsciously smitten with the book's heroine Sookie. He was made amnesiac by a witch once and stayed with Sookie for a while but now remembers none of that. It's a long story. But just let me say that the steamy scenes between Sookie and Eric were memorable to say the least. Bottom line: he's a powerful, virile tower of sexy. Rrrr.
HBO Casted:
Dolph Lundgren
6. Jerry Dandridge - Fright Night
Any vampire lovers old enough to remember the 1980's will place Jerry Dandridge on their favorite vamp list. He was a very proper, neat looking guy. His appeal wasn't immediately appreciated, it sort of crept up on you. But let me tell you, there is a dance scene between Jerry and Charlie Brewster's teenage girly-friend that takes place in a disco-tech (I know, I know. But it was the 80's!) that was nothing short of STEAMY. Charlie Brewster is Fright Night's protagonist who's trying to get rid of the vamp who lives next door to him (Jerry). But Jerry falls in love with Charlie's girl Amy and will do anything to have her. Fright Night is the perfect mix of scary, funny and fun so the hot-assed dance scene was out of the blue! Think sensual. If you've never seen Fright Night and/or can't imagine Jerry (Chris Sarandon) as crazy-sexy, rent it, you'll see!
7. Gary Oldman's Count Dracula - Dracula
I think Gary Oldman is sexy whatever he does but as Count Dracula? Forget about it! He is the best Dracula EVER, hands down. Bela Lugosi might as well step out into the sunlight, he was an egg headed nerd compared to Gary. And Gary's accent was accurate too. Bela sounded like he was hearing impaired instead of Transylvanian.
Gary's wardrobe was sexy and he had this deliberate slowness to his actions that made him seem very dangerous. Easy to see why Mina was so compelled.

8. Gerard Butler - Dracula 2000
Last but certainly not least is Gerard Butler as Dracula 2000. Personally I think Gerard Butler is one of the most inhumanly HOTTEST men on the face of the planet but ironically one of his least sexy roles was that of Dracula. I don't know, for me, he requires some sort of facial hair to reach his full hotty potential; be it chin and lip stubble, a mustache or goatee. It doesn't matter, just as long as he's not clean shaved (as he was in Dracula 2000). I mean, if he'd have been a vampire in 300, he probably would have topped this list (LOVED the pointy beard!). But even though he wasn't at his dreamy best in Dracula 2000, his overall manly juiciness earned him a spot on my fantasy fodder vampire list. Here's to you, you delicious Scottish rogue!
Remember, this & this is why we LOVE Gerard (see what I mean about the facial hair?!):

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