Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Edward and Me, We've Got History! (Sort of)

Hey fellow Twilighters! I've got some pictures I wanted to share with you from my past. I've been meaning to post them for a while. These aren't the exact ones I wanted to show you but I'm still trying to locate the rest.

These are pictures of my first boyfriend, Scott C. and ever since I first saw Edward (Rob) I've thought he reminds me a little of Scott. No wonder I went gaga over Edward, he's totally my type!! For as long as I can remember, the epitome of a beautiful man has been: tall, dark hair, pale skin, blue eyes. That's my 'MO' so to speak.

I think I know the moment in time when 'tall, light and handsome' became my type. I was in Art class, my sophomore year in high school. I was somewhat of an artsy loner. I sat at the back of the room at the end of a table. One day, Mr. Gill (our esteemed art teacher) introduced a new student to the class - Rich M. Then Mr. Gill perused the room. His eyes lighted on me. He led Rich back to my corner and said he should set by me. (Thank you, Mr. Gill!) I think I fell in love at first sight. Seriously. Rich was sort of a loner type, more of a fringe social group type, I guess. He was a skateboarder (s8er, anyone?) and he was almost a little unstable, just enough to make him immensely interesting to my 15 year old self. PLUS, believe me when I say, he was heartbreakingly beautiful. Folks, he could've played Edward, honest. He was 6' 3", paler than me, with dark brown/almost black hair and he had the most piercing of light blue eyes. He dressed differently than the farmer kids I was used to. Turns out, he was very kind and funny and bright.

Alas, we were only meant to be friends. But, I think he did set the bar for all other men in my mind. And, I think that's why Scott caught my eye. Scott was all those things too. He was a really sweet and very smart guy and I only have fond memories of him.

So you see, I believe I was destined to love Edward!

Me and Scott, prom night

Wasn't he cute? And very gentlemanly.
A little hair gel and a change of clothes and I think he could've given Rob a run for his money. ...Maybe!

1 comment:

Ailora Blue said...

Now that I look at him again, Scott kind of reminds me of Malcolm from Malcolm in the middle...

I guess 20+ years changes your perspective a little.

But I do remember how really good Scott smelled.

Oh, the love of budding youth, how sweet and how fleeting...